2 Colorado fugitives booked in St. James Parish

Published 12:00 am Monday, October 11, 1999

LEONARD GRAY / L’Observateur / October 11, 1999

LUTCHER – Cooperative effort among the Lutcher and Gramercy police departments and the St. James Parish Sheriff’s Office on a traffic stopresulted in the capture Tuesday of two men wanted for rape and attempted murder.

Anthony Albert, 20, and Nathaniel Moore, 21, are to face federal kidnapping charges, as well as rape and attempted murder charges, all involving a 17-year-old Colorado girl.

St. James Sheriff Willy Martin Jr. reported that on Oct. 4 at 9:50 p.m.,Lutcher Officer Kerry Melancon responded to a citizen’s call of a car driving recklessly through the neighborhood.

Melancon intercepted the car, which immediately fled, and “they ended up in a pretty hot chase,” Martin said.

Melancon called for backup, and Gramercy Officer Derek Washington responded. Melancon and Washington boxed in the suspect vehicle in thearea of West LeBray Street in Lutcher.

The vehicle attempted to duck the roadblocks by cutting across a vacant lot but struck a ditch the driver couldn’t see in the dark, and the car flipped.

Moore was ejected from the vehicle, while Albert remained inside. Bothwere transported to nearby St. James Parish Hospital for treatment oftheir minor injuries, after which they were taken to jail.

As Lutcher Chief Denny Vicknair was transporting Albert to the parish jail, Albert reportedly remarked that the local traffic charges don’t matter, as he was “wanted for murder in Colorado Springs.”A subsequent computer check revealed the outstanding warrants for Albert and Moore for kidnapping the Aurora, Colo. girl, transporting her toa location along Interstate 70 in Kansas, raping her repeatedly and leaving her for dead.

Martin said the alleged victim survived the attack and the FBI is awaited soon to take custody of the suspects.

The sheriff commented that the pair were in Lutcher, apparently to hide out, as Albert has relatives in the area.

“If they had hung around here long enough, they’d have committed a crime,” Martin said.

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