Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 6, 1999

Harold Keller / L’Observateur / October 6, 1999

There is a story in the Bible, which I’ve read many times, about the disciples arguing as to whom was the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

They finally put the question to Jesus. Without answering immediately, Hecalled a child to Himself and set him in their midst, and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbleshimself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”(Matt. 18:3-4)Even though I’ve read and repeated these scriptures many times, I’ve never seen it in action, that is, until a couple of weeks ago.

A few months ago, I met a young man named Jerry, who had a severe drinking problem. He started coming to our Friday morning Bible study atMcDonald’s. He admits to having a spiritual awakening. Jerry loves me andconsidered me his mentor. Jerry, likewise, is special to Jeanne and me.When it was his turn to share at the Bible study two weeks ago, in all humility, he gave thanks to God for his sobriety and salvation. He was soexcited about his newfound freedom. In his closing remarks, he said, “Iknow some of you will think I’m crazy, but last week I went to a Christian bookstore and bought two coloring books. You know what? I colored both ofthem. On every page, besides the picture, there was a written message.”No one laughed as Jerry almost apologized for his simplicity. I have neverwitnessed more humility or more love for Jesus.

When Jerry finished speaking, I said, “Jerry, I pray that you will never become like these 12 other men at this meeting (myself included). Weshould be so blessed to become like you – as a little child, simple, pure and excited about his new relationship with a loving God.” I then said,”How about bringing me a coloring book?” Last Friday, Jerry returned to our weekly 6:15 a.m. meeting at McDonald’s.You guessed it! He had two coloring books for me. Danny Louque jokinglysaid, “Harold, I bet you can’t even stay in the line.” To be honest, I don’tknow if I can, but I guarantee I’ll try, not only to color, but to become like Jerry.

Harold Keller is a regular columnist for L’Observateur

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