Northside edges Hahnville in non-district action

Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 19, 1999

RANDY SMITH / L’Observateur / September 19, 1999

BOUTTE – Friday nights along the river were made for football, especially the football played Friday night in Hahnville. The Tigers of Hahnville Highw ere off to a good start this year and came into Friday’s game with a 2-0 record. The team they faced, the Northside Vikings of Lafayette, alsoboasted a 2-0 season so far. Two tough teams came ready to play and playthey did. Leading the teams were two tough and well matched left-handedquarterbacks with fast hands and faster feet.

After a battle, though, Northside left with a 25-21 victory.

Northside struck early with a 60-yard touchdown run by quarterback Joseph Thibeaux on the third play of the game. Northside’s extra point wasno good, leaving the score at 6-0.

It was Hahnville’s turn, and junior quarterback Dawan Landry began what would be a long night of passing attacks against the Vikings. Following a10-yard penalty against the Vikings for holding, Landry evened the score when he kept the ball and ran 23 yards for the touchdown. Hahnville thenwent for a two-point conversion but failed in the attempt, leaving the score tied at 6.

Penalties were plentiful in the first half with a total of 11. Eight werecredited to the Northside Vikings for a total loss of 80 yards. Twopenalties cost them a total of 30 yards when they were called for holding and for personal foul within one play. Hahnville suffered three penalties inthe first half for a loss of 20 yards. Hahnville’s third penalty for delay ofgame sounded an end to the first quarter with the score tied 6-6.

In the second quarter, an offside penalty by Hahnville gave a first down to the Vikings, and Thibeaux took advantage of his field position to complete a pass to Steven Anderson. Running back Jacobi Lewis carried the nextthree plays ending with a 7-yard scamper for a Viking touchdown.

Northside also attempted a two-point conversion at this point but failed.

The score was 12-6.

Another penalty came against Northside on the next kickoff when they were called for illegal procedure, a penalty they would see several times during the evening.

Dawan Landry then took the ball to the air with two short passes to Corey Woods to set up a Tiger first down. A long pass to running back DarrylHonor would have put another score on the board for Hahnville, but he couldn’t hold on to the ball. On the next play, Landry kept the ball again fora 27-yard touchdown run. This time the after point kick was good and theTigers led for the first time 13-12.

After several more minutes of hard fought play with a number of Viking penalties, the first half ended at 13-12.

The second half began with Hahnville’s John Sam returning the opening kick-off 25 yards. The drive was short-lived, however, as Landry’s nextpass was picked off by Northside’s Orlando Thomas, who ran it in for a touchdown. Again, a two-point conversion failed and the score wasNorthside 18, Hahnville 13.

Landry then handed off to Rogers, who ran up the middle for a gain of eight yards. His next pass to Rogers was also nearly picked off, but Rogersmanaged to hold on to the ball to gain the first down. Landry sent anotherlong pass from midfield to the end zone for what should have been a sure touchdown, but wide receiver Corey Woods could not hold on to the ball.

This brought up a fourth and 2 situation. Landry again went to the air, buthis pass was incomplete and left the Vikings with excellent field position at the 28-yard line.

The Hahnville defense, however, had come to the second half more ready than ever to play ball. Thibeaux was back to pass and swamped by a sea ofpurple jerseys. His next play was broken up and nearly picked off byHahnville’s Chris Hawkins, forcing a punt from the Vikings.

After a tough start to the next drive, Landry threw another of his “Hail Mary” passes from a second down and 15 position. Carl Raymond was inthe right place at the right time, and the 57-yard toss ended with a Tiger touchdown. Hahnville attempted a two-point conversion, but play wasstopped by a Tiger penalty. This brought up try number two for the 2-points. Again, a penalty by Northside moved the ball to the 1-yard line. Onhis third attempt, Landry merely kept the ball and fell into the end zone for the score. Hahnville was up 21-18 with five minutes left in the thirdquarter.

A series of short runs by Northside late in the fourth quarter set up the final score of the game. Thibeaux again kept the ball for a 6-yard trot intothe end zone followed by a point-after kick. With two minutes and 23seconds left to play, Northside led by a score of 25-21.

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