First Lady applauds local cleanup effort

Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 3, 1999

By LEONARD GRAY / L’Observateur / July 3, 1999

LAPLACE – Alice Foster, wife of Gov. Foster, joined the St. John Clean andGreen Committee Wednesday to recognize efforts to clean up and beautify St. John the Baptist Parish.Adopt-a-Road sponsors received plaques of recognition for their efforts, and state anti-littering officials gave reports of progress in public awareness against littering.

The program was held at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Fir Street and hosted by Court of Appeals Judge Thomas Daley, one of the committee’s founders six years ago and a continuing driving force to beautify St. JohnParish.

“I believe we’ve made a substantial impact in the overall esthetics of St.

John Parish,” Daley commented.

Gwendolyn Emick reviewed the state’s anti-litter program and pointed out that state grants enabled the St. John Sheriff’s Office to assign Lt. WayneNorwood to target illegal dumping in the parish.

“I hope the ticketing shows we don’t want people littering up the state,” Emick said.

A statewide master plan is in development to attack littering in a three- prong attack: education, enforcement and cleanup. Hopefully, the newprogram will be launched publicly by the end of 1999.

Pam Kimble of the state Department of Environmental Quality’s anti-litter program said that in the Great Spring Cleanup this year, 8,000 volunteers representing 114 businesses and organizations picked up 26,559 bagfuls of roadside trash.

The annual beach and waterway cleanup is scheduled this year on Sept. 18,Kimble added.

The children’s calendar art contest, promoting the anti-littering cause, drew 2,100 entries from across Louisiana, some of whom were from St.

John Parish.

Norwood, in reporting on local anti-littering efforts, said 60 miles of roadway have been specially targeted, including U.S. Highway 51 betweenLaPlace and Manchac, Airline Highway from parish line to parish line and the west bank River Road from parish line to parish line.

Those efforts have been maintained by St. John Sheriff Wayne L. Jones’inmate work program. The efforts resulted in 16 dumptruck loads and theclearing of four major dumps. In addition more than 25 roadside litterbarrels have been placed on major roads.

Daley concluded his remarks, saying, “A little bit of effort goes a long way. We want everyone to be responsible for themselves.”

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