Four males arrested for breaking into Millet Storage

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 9, 1999

L’Observateur / June 9, 1999

LAPLACE – Four males, two of them juveniles, were nabbed early Monday morning breaking into Millet Storage. They were captured while trapped onthe roof by two dogs and six deputies.

Lt. Michael Tregre reported that the sheriff’s office got a call at 12:28a.m. of suspicious activity at the facility, located at 1525 West AirlineHighway, LaPlace, less than a block away from the sheriff’s office.

When deputies arrived a minute later the four suspects climbed a fence and got on the facility’s roof in an effort to escape. However, with theassistance of two K-9 teams, which helped “tree” the four males, and a ladder truck from the nearby LaPlace fire department, the four were in custody by 1:01 a.m.Jack King, 102 Harry St., was charged with simple burglary and possessionof stolen property valued at less than $100. William Stutes, 17, of 2105Longwood, was likewise charged with simple burglary.

The two juvenile males, brothers ages 14 and 15, were each charged with simple burglary, Tregre continued.

“At first they refused to come down,” Tregre commented, “so we went up after them.”He added a black GMC pickup truck was parked nearby, apparently for loading of stolen items from the storage units. He added they also hadburglary tools to break locks in their possession.

Both of the juveniles were already under house arrest for an earlier burglary allegedly committed on June 3.

In that incident, Detective Sgt. Larry LeBlanc spotted the pair allegedlybreaking into a car at the Finish Line off-track betting facility. LeBlancsaid he apprehended them inside the burglarized vehicle.

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