Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 15, 1999
By Harold Keller / L’Observateur / May 15, 1999
On May 31, we will celebrate Memorial Day. What actually is MemorialDay? To most people, it’s just another holiday – a three-day weekend – a time to celebrate! Should we celebrate more than remember? No, that’s not why Memorial Day was established.
Memorial Day is one of the most special days in the year. It’s a dayappointed for commemorating the people who died in all the different wars – who unselfishly gave their lives to protect our freedom. The Biblesays that no greater love has a man that he would lay down his life for his brother.
Many men and women served in different branches of the military. Somereturned as heroes. Other returned unnoticed and never given credit fortheir sacrifices. Many left and never returned, buried on foreign soilfighting for our freedom. Just in St. John Parish (a parish much smallerthan it is now), 31 men died.
Have we forgotten? Most of us have. We get so wrapped up in our specialinterests.
This year, “Get High on Life” and a committee of men, namely, Emile Bergeron, John Braun, Duaine Duffy, Chris Eichhorn, Bill Hubbard, Steve Lee, Bob Levin, Danny Louque, Jeff Montz, Steve Nosacka, Mike Patorno, Jeff Perilloux, Calvin Rousse, Dr. S.J. St. Martin and Ranney Wilson, havedecided to make this Memorial Day different.
On Friday, May 28, at 7:30 a.m., at the Holiday Inn in LaPlace, we willsponsor a Memorial Day prayer breakfast. Our intention is to celebrate ourfreedom, but most importantly, to remember our country’s real heroes. Weinvite the public, especially the VFW, and the American Legion members, and families of the men and women who failed to return.
If you are interested, please call me at 652-8477. Let’s make thisMemorial Day special by giving honor to those worthy of being remembered.
Harold Keller is a regular columnist for L’Observateur
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