Corso being honored with Senior Olympics award

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 28, 1999

DEBORAH CORRAO / L’Observateur / April 28, 1999

Some people consider finding a four-leaf clover a symbol of good luck.

Others carry a rabbit’s foot or wear a certain piece of clothing.

For 63-year-old Edie Corso of Destrehan, it’s a horseshoe.

In 1997 Corso won a gold medal in horseshoes in the Louisiana Senior Olympics. In 1998 she received seven gold medals in various events.Next month she will be recognized as the 1998-99 Senior Olympian of the Year for the Bayou River Region, which encompasses six parishes including the three river parishes.

She got involved in Senior Olympics through the St. Charles ParishRecreation Department seven years ago, taking part in the bowling competitions held at River Bend Lanes in LaPlace.

About four years ago her son gave her her very own bowling ball as a Christmas gift.

She competed in bowling singles, doubles and mixed doubles last week, as well as participating in Senior Olympic track and field events. Shequalified to go to state competitions by receiving a first place in discus and javelin and a second place in advanced horseshoes.

Corso, a native of Gadsden, Ala., moved to St. Charles Parish 45 years agowhere her husband Jim was employed by Monsanto. The Corsos have threechildren and eight grandchildren, all within walking distance of their home.

“It’s convenient for the grandchildren to visit,” she says, “but I’m never home.”Besides being involved with Senior Olympics Edie Corso is also an avid painter. She took a painting course through the St. Charles Council onAging four years ago and now teaches an oil painting class for COA.

She entered some of her work in a recent art show sponsored by the River Region Arts and Humanities Council and plans to enter another show in the fall.

Because of all her activities, she says her husband Jim, 67, has taken on the task of keeping the home fires burning while she’s away.

“He learned to run the vacuum and the washer since he retired six years ago,” she says. “He even knows how to take the bras out of the dryerbefore they get burnt.”You would think the Corsos would be burnt out by the time the sun goes down, but that’s when they really get moving.

“We dance at least twice a week, sometimes four or five times,” says Edie, “anywhere we can find a drum beat.”And when it comes to dancing, Jim takes the lead.

“I let him do his own thing,” Edie says, “I just follow him.”Back to Top

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