Abadie selected to fill council’s District 3 seat

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 20, 1999

By WALTER SMITH / L’Observateur / April 20, 1999

HAHNVILLE – Darnell “Dee” Abadie was selected Monday to fill the vacant District 3 seat on the St. Charles Parish Council. She will be sworn in at the Parish Council’s next regular meeting on May 3.

Abadie received five yea votes, with Council members Brian Champagne and Richard Duhe voting no and Council Chairman Terry Authement abstaining. Councilman “Ram” Ramchandran nominated Abadie for the post.Duhe had nominated Jeff Tully, but with the majority vote for Abadie, Tully’s nomination was not voted upon.

The District 3 seat became vacant recently when Councilman Ron Phillips resigned.

“Thank you to the Council.” said Abadie. “I look forward to working withyou. I also invite anyone from District 3 to contact me with anyquestions.” Abadie will complete a seven-month term.

In other actions, the St. Charles Council: Voted unanimously to revise the agreement with the St. Charles HumaneSociety to change the disbursement requirements of the pet adoption fee.

Previously, the parish shared a portion of the $30 fee required for pet adoptions. This action will donate the entire $30 to the Humane Societywhich will manage the entire adoption process.

Unanimously agreed to amend the code of Ordinances requiring a Class C survey for all construction permits.

Agreed to advertise for sealed bids for $1,920,000 of General Obligation Refunding Bonds and $6,050,000 of Utility Revenue Refunding Bonds.

Voted 7-1 to allow Transcontinental Refining Corp. to install 200 feetof a 4-inch liquefied petroleum gas line. The line will run from within theTranscontinental Refinery, under the Kansas City Railroad tracks, and will tie into an existing pipeline in Norco.

Curtis Johnson cast the dissenting vote.

Decided to offer a late spring or early summer orientation for candidates seeking Parish Council seats in the upcoming election. Theorientation will take interested candidates through the election process and help them with the election laws and requirements.

Announced that it will seek nominations for a number of other vacant posts at the May 3 regular meeting. Those vacancies include the Planningand Zoning Commission seat previously held by Warence Charles and Housing Authority seats currently held by Norman Singleton and Iola Marshall. These will all be five-year positions which begin May 31, 1999and expire May 31, 3004.

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