Dodged that bullet!

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 3, 1999

L’Observateur / March 3, 1999

The town of Norco can thank its lucky stars or, at least, boost attendance at church this weekend in the aftermath of Saturday night’s tornado. Noone was killed or seriously injured; damage could have been much worse and recovery has been swift. Emergency response crews were quick,efficient and courteous. Everyone from parish government to the AmericanRed Cross, from Entergy to the sheriff’s office personnel, worked around the clock to bring the town back as normal as possible.

None of that could have been possible without the cooperation of the citizens of Norco, who pitched in, helped their neighbors and labored for the common good.

When some people might say Norco isn’t a good place to live, something happens to demonstrate that just isn’t so.

Norco is alive and well, thank you.

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