Cazalot, Hollins win national honors

Published 12:00 am Monday, July 27, 1998

L’Observateur / July 27, 1998

MaQue Hollins and Shannie Cazalot competed the first week of July at the Star Systemsnational competition in Lakeland, Fla. Not only did they score nearly perfect scores,receiving all platinum awards, they were also selected as the “Over All Top Models” inthe national finals.MaQue was selected as the “Model of the Year” for 12 and under, and Cazalot wasselected as the “Model of the Year” for 13 and over.Hollins is the 6-year-old daughter of Quovadis and Carnel Hollins of LaPlace. Cazalot isthe 20-year-old daughter of Duanne and Al Cazalot of Destrehan. Both girls attenddance and modeling classes at Dance Unlimited of the River Parishes.MaQue received a platinum award for her formalwear routine to “Wish Upon a Star.” Hersportswear routine to “Bad Mama Jama” also received a platinum and was the “Over AllHigh Scoring Routine” for 12 and under. MaQue also competed in the tap category whereshe received a “High Gold Placement” and was the seventh “Top Tap Soloist” for herroutine to “Tan Shoes.” All of MaQue’s routines were choreographed by Laurie Falgoustof Dance Unlimited. In photogenic, MaQue received a platinum and placed second “Overall High Score forCovergirl.”Cazalot received a platinum award for her formalwear routine to “For the First Time.”Her sportswear routine to “Heartbreaker” also received a platinum and was the “OverallHigh Scoring Routine” for 13 and over. Both of Cazalot’s routines were choreographed byher mom, Duanne Cazalot of Dance Unlimited.Cazalot was also named the “National Covergirl” with her platinum scoring photograph.

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