Column:Get High On Life
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 10, 1998
By Harold Keller / L’Observateur / June 10, 1998
Even A Celebrity Can Be A Disciple Of Christ
Last week, I passed the Saints’ training camp and was amazed at the number of spectators standing around looking at a mini-camp practice. Thecrowd seemed to number about 2,000. It was one of the hottest days ofany year – 95 degrees plus.
I thought, “How ridiculous!” This was just another indication of how people are so starved to be part of something. In my opinion, it also showshow empty people are. They will go to any length to be fulfilled.Sunday, I attended Celebration Church in Metairie because Danny Wuerffel was the guest speaker. I have been a big fan of Wuerffel since I heard histestimony on a Billy Graham crusade a couple of years ago.
I was also impressed that in the spring of 1996, he turned down a prestigious award. At that time, Danny was chosen as a 1996 preseasonAll-American by Playboy magazine. He turned down the “Scholar-AthleteAward,” saying, “It’s just not something I want to be associated with, and there’s a whole lot of bad connections that go along with that magazine.”It’s hard not to pull for a young man with such convictions.
His talk was based on Romans 8:28 – “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”Danny admitted his concern of being drafted by the Saints and coming to New Orleans. He prayed that, first, he could be a witness to the playersand, second, that God would allow him to be used in the city. “Both of myprayers were answered,” he said, thanking his Heavenly Father for being used.
He continued, “I’ve played on a state championship high school team and I’ve played with a college national championship team. Those wereexciting times, but my year with the Saints has been my best year. No, notas a productive football player, but as a disciple of Christ being used as a vessel to share Jesus with people who were willing to listen.”He shared about a group of Saints players making a game out of reading and memorizing Scripture. Each day, all players who wanted to participatewere given a scripture to memorize. During that day, they could bechallenged to repeat the scripture.
According to Danny, another area that has been targeted for improvement is the language some players use on the field. Mike Ditka has alsoaddressed this issue. In reference to the tongue, I’m reminded of James3:9-10, which says: “With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men who were made in God’s likeness! Out of the same mouth come forth blessing and cursing. These things, my brethren, ought not to be so.”It was refreshing to hear Danny Wuerffel speak Sunday. In these days whenmany athletes make more news about breaking the law and abusing their celebrity positions, it was good to see and hear a humble servant.
My trip to Celebration Church was to hear Danny speak and I wasn’t disappointed. However, God always blesses us more than we dream orexpect.
The person who introduced Danny to the congregation was Craig Greene.
I’m sure not many people have heard of Craig. He’s a medical student atLSU and gave a brief testimony about his life.
It was an awesome, very short testimony of how being a raised in a Christian family has paid great dividends.
Sunday was indeed a very exciting time for me. I was truly blessed and itall happened at church, not at a football game.
Harold Keller is a regular columnist for L’Observateur
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