Published 12:00 am Thursday, February 26, 1998

Harold Keller / L’Observateur / February 26, 1998


One of the projects that clients of some treatment centers have to complete before they are discharged is to write a good-bye letter or essay to drugs and alcohol. As I was leaving a treatment center last week, ayoung man gave me a copy of his letter to read. I thought it was great anddecided to share it with you.

“I Asked God and He Answered”

God, who are You? I am the Creator of all the heavens and earth.

Why am I an alcoholic and drug addict? Because you choose to cover up what you feel.

Why am I the way I am? Because I created you in My image and you did not like what I created, so you tried to change yourself.

Why then do I make mistakes? Am I a mistake? You make mistakes because you are human and function in the flesh, not in the spirit. No, you are not a mistake, because I am God. I do not makemistakes.

Where were you in all my troubles? Right there looking over you, allowing you to learn.

Then if you were there as you say, then why did I get hurt? Because you failed to hear my voice when I called out warnings to you, and you would not call out to me for help.

But you knew I was in trouble, why didn’t you stop what was happening? Because if I would have stopped you, you would have never learned to call on me, that plus I would have had to take away your freedom to choose – something I promised I would never do.

So then you are saying I can choose anything? Yes, you can choose anything.

Even Heaven and Hell? Yes, even Heaven and Hell.

You mean, I can choose to go to Heaven? How? Yes, by believing I sent My Son to die on the cross, so you can live forever – so you’d know how to get to me. Like a road map helps you find your wayto another city or state, if you’ll just stop and use the map I gave you, the Bible, you’ll make it.

But, God, what if I don’t understand? Then simply get on your knees and ask me for help. Didn’t I lead Mosesthrough the land of Egypt and the Red Sea? Didn’t my son, Jesus, prove to you that you can walk on water and even heal the sick? Yes, but I don’t see how! By believing, son, you believed that alcohol and drug would help you! I gave the earth things it needed and man misused it for his own destruction by his own choices. Now believe I can heal you from even the pain of death.Did I not promise you that you’d never even taste of death? Yes, God, you did.

Then believe in me and every desire of your heart that is pure, I will give you.

Thank you, God, and I believe you can heal my wounds and deliver me from alcohol and drug addiction.

My son, you already have been – by Jesus’ death on that cross 2,000 years ago. So, go and be of good cheer and keep faith. If I created you, then Isurely can heal you and make you whole.

Billy Harrod, February 1998

Harold Keller is a regular columnist for L’Observateur.

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