
What L’OBSERVATEUR means to me

September 20, 2023 was my first day working at L’OBSERVATEUR as the sole News Editor on staff, which ...


5 Things Every Woman Should Know About Breast Cancer

By: Laura Gros, RN, CBCN Patient Care Coordinator, Thibodaux Regional Cancer Institute While summer’s Barbie hit movie prompted ...


Hearts in Touch

My eight-year-old granddaughter Charlie is on a mission to read as many books as possible. As part of ...


She is my reason

Tessa Naquin Besides the fact that the position for a new Justice of the Peace in District 7 ...


The game of life

Most people have a strong desire in life to be successful.  The problem is we often consider success ...


Landry: The trouble with woke DAs & post-conviction plea deals

Imagine the unthinkable: your loved one is killed in a horrible crime. Upon notification, you experience a surge ...


History Matters

A feature courtesy of The Grateful American Book Prize Showing our children that their past is prelude to ...


Landry: The Opioid Crisis: How We Got Here

On January 10, 1980, the New England Journal of Medicine published a letter<https://www.nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NEJM198001103020221> claiming that prescription opioids rarely ...


Jim Beam: Writer says ‘woke’ not so bad

When you woke up ready to face an eventual and happy day today, did  you become a “woke” ...


Creole Courtesy: Roadtrippers Say Louisianans Among America’s Best Drivers

Regular roadtrippers asked for their opinions on drivers from each state. Louisiana drivers scored 6.8/10. Interactive map showing how each ...

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