It’s not easy being a secessionist
Thirteen lawmakers in the New Hampshire House of Representatives
recently proposed that the state “peaceably” declare “independence” and become “a sovereign nation,” reports the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. If it sounds like a joke, says AMAC, it’s not the first time that elected officials in a state have sought to secede from the Union. Other states in the recent past have sought secession and, according to the legal website, FindLaw, there is a procedure that might allow secession, pointing out that in 1868 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a state can secede. All a state has to do is get an okay from both houses of Congress and get their petition ratified by 75% of the nation’s legislatures. Lots of luck. As the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia aptly put it, “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede.”
Customs officers stopped a truck as it crossed into the U.S. from Mexico near San Diego for a routine inspection. It turned out that the inspection was anything but routine, says the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. Apparently the driver was trying to smuggle
52 slithery live reptiles into the country. They found his cache of lizards and snakes each neatly contained in plastic bags and hidden “in the man’s jacket, pants pockets, and groin area,” according to the officers.
The sheep that needed a haircut
Six years ago a lamb strayed from its flock in the mountains of Australia. According to the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC], a hiker found the now grown up sheep on the slopes of Mount Alexander in Victoria. Without anyone to care for Alex, as the folks at the Edgar’s Mission animal sanctuary named it, its
fleece weighed in at 88 pounds. Apparently Alex had never been sheared and if it had not been found and shaved, it was not likely to have made it through the night, said Holly Kendall, who performed the shearing.