Pratt: Where did the pink go?
Published 12:03 am Saturday, October 19, 2019
In 2009, the American Cancer Society (ACS) and National Football League (NFL) began a partnership to save lives from cancer through fundraising, education and awareness. The partnership—officially branded as “Crucial Catch” has raised nearly $20 million and impacted over 1 million people with education, screenings and reminders in communities that need it most. Money raised through the partnership supports the American Cancer Society’s CHANGE Program—Community Health Advocates implementing Nationwide Grants for Empowerment and Equity.
Though Crucial Catch focuses on the prevention and early detection of multiple cancers, the NFL previously emphasized breast cancer awareness. In the recent past, bright pink socks, cleats, hats and shirts flooded football stadiums in October. Though breast cancer awareness is important, cancer—in general—is a universal problem.
With this in mind and due to a player’s public documentation of his daughter’s cancer, the NFL rebranded its Crucial Catch initiative. The new campaign includes multiple colors to help shift the focus to fighting and preventing ALL types of cancer.
As reported by the NFL, “Throughout October, NFL Crucial Catch games will feature players, coaches, fans and referees in apparel supporting multiple types of cancer, as well as additional on-field and in-stadium branding to help raise awareness for the campaign.”
When it comes to cancer, the NFL and ACS believe that “offense is the best defense.” After nearly a decade of working together to fight breast cancer, they have expanded efforts to tackle multiple types of cancer. Most recently, the expanded focus led to the creation of “The Defender,” a new online tool that provides personalized tips on how to reduce your risk of cancer. Want to learn more about the tool from a familiar face? Visit and scroll down until you see a video of our very own Drew Brees.
You can also try The Defender tool by visiting The tool offers a personalized cancer risk assessment that offers recommendations based on your personal lifestyle.
If offense is the best defense against cancer, then what should be in your game plan? In addition to following recommended ACS cancer prevention guidelines for your lifestyle—such as eating enough fruits and vegetables, getting enough exercise and quitting smoking—you can increase your chance of early detection by taking advantage of annual wellness visits, screenings and by being self-aware.
There is a reason most insurance companies not only cover—but encourage wellness visits. Some plans even pay you to complete a wellness visit through reimbursements and other incentives. During these visits with a Physician or Care Coordinator, clinicians can assess changes in your health, answer questions and recommend important screenings. Make sure to schedule a wellness visit with your Family Practice Physician each year. If you have traditional Medicare and see a St. James Parish Hospital Physician at Lutcher Family Clinic, Poche Medical Clinic or St. James West Bank Clinic, call 225.258.2066 to schedule a Medicare Annual Wellness Visit.
Screenings are extremely important. When recommended, screenings are also often covered by insurance. Visit for The American Cancer Society’s “Guidelines for the Early Detection of Cancer” to see age-by-age recommendations of cancer screenings. Talk to your insurance provider or get information about your particular plan and what screenings it covers for you personally. During a wellness visit with your Physician or Care Coordinator, ask about recommended screenings due now and in the near future. Make sure to discuss family history and any concerns or questions you have that may warrant an early screening.
In addition, take advantage of low-cost or free screening opportunities when they are offered. St. James Parish Hospital supports the community through cancer education and screening events throughout the year including various blood tests and PSA screenings.
Each day, you must make hundreds of choices that can impact your health. No matter how often you see your doctor, you are still your best advocate when it comes to your health. Make the decision to be self-aware. Take time to note if you have been feeling different, if you have not been sleeping well, if you noticed a new pain, if your physical appearance has suddenly changed, if others comment about changes in your mood or personality and bring this up when you see your physician—especially if changes seem to have happened suddenly.
Again, we encourage you to take advantage of all of the opportunities you have to make crucial catches as early as possible. St. James Parish Hospital is proud to offer local opportunities for wellness visits, diagnostic testing—such as 3D Mammography and low-dose lung cancer screenings, cervical cancer screenings (through Family Practice Clinics), prostate cancer screenings and blood testing, colonoscopies, cancer biopsies and cancer related-surgeries.
For more information on how we can help make crucial catches, visit or call 225.869.5512.
Mary Ellen Pratt is St. James Parish Hospital CEO. She can be reached at