Keller: Loneliness – The greatest American problem

Published 12:00 am Saturday, October 5, 2019

Billy Graham, one of the most respected and influential Christian evangelists, died last year at age 99. Before I was a Christian, I would listen to his crusades on national television. I remember one, especially, about the greatest problem in America. He said it wasn’t drugs, violence, hatred, or anything one might think of. It was loneliness.

That was maybe 50 years ago, but that sermon has stayed with me since then. He said that was the reason the barrooms are full with people looking for relationships.

He, also, said that was the reason young boys and girls were turning to illegal drugs. Also, suicide was on the rise, just to mention a few.

Today, more than ever, loneliness is one of our biggest problems. We’ve been told what the problem is, but how about the solution?

The symptoms of loneliness are being alone, isolated, unhappy, and longing for friends and the company of others.

At my age, I reminisce about how it was growing up in Reserve. People were more concerned about their neighbors and helping the less fortunate.

Friendships were developed which lasted a lifetime. People were willing to reach out to others who needed assistance and they weren’t as selfish as we’ve become. We were more focused on others, instead of on ourselves.

I think it could be said that we had an attitude of gratitude and the secret to living was giving to others.

When people hear of giving, they automatically think of material things. God wants us to give of ourselves to a lonely, hurting world. The most precious thing we can give is to reach out to someone with love, listen, and offer to be a friend.


If you have any questions, or comments, please write to Harold Keller at Get High on Life, P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084, call 985-652-8477 or email