Keller: Maybe I’ll ask for an extension?
Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 19, 2019
This week, I’ll celebrate my 85th birthday. A few years ago, my wife asked me how long I thought I would live. At that time, I was 78 years old. Without much thought, I said, “I think I’ll live to 85. However, now I’m thinking about asking God for an extension.
It’s amazing how time passes so fast. My dad died at 48. I was 19 at the time and thought that was old. Today I, jokingly, tell people that anything under 100 is not old.
One day, my friend, Danny Louque, asked me if I ever thought about getting old and being sick, suffering, and facing death. My answer to getting old was no. I’d consider that a blessing. When it comes to being sick and suffering, it’s also no. God knows my heart and He knows I’m “chicken”, and will give me the desires of my heart. Speaking of death, being human, we all procrastinate at times, but facing death is something we cannot control.
I once heard a sermon about death and the preacher said that, as Christians, we should face death the same way we feel about our bed when we are worn out, tired, and ready to go to sleep.
Danny also asked me what I feared the most. I had to think about that and finally answered, “I fear that, as a Christian, knowing without a doubt that I’m going to Heaven, I’ll be afraid to die and lose my testimony to my family.”
As I write this article, I’m fairly healthy and thankful for what Jesus did for me at the Cross, knowing that when my time comes, I’ll be anxious to be with my daughter, Kay, who passed away 11 months ago.
If you have any questions, or comments, please write to Harold Keller at Get High on Life, P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084, call 985-652-8477, or email