River Reel video series tells history of sugarcane

Published 12:01 am Wednesday, July 10, 2019

LAPLACE — The River Parishes Tourist Commission recently launched the sixth part of the growing River Reel Video Series with a video telling the long and complex history of sugarcane, a major crop of the region for centuries.

The videos are housed on the Commission’s YouTube page and featured in various ways on the destination’s website, visitnopc.com.

Wilma Harvey, sales and business development director for the River Parishes Tourist Commission, said the River Reel videos sell the destination as a “vibrant, colorful area with stories waiting to be heard, learned and understood by visitors.”

“Tour operators enjoy getting a glimpse into the culture of the River Parishes and meeting some of the unique people showcased in each video,” Harvey said.

The newest installment of the River Reel video series tells the history of sugarcane.

In 2018, the Commission embarked on an effort to capture the various stories throughout the River Region to entice potential visitors to come to the destination and enjoy the full experience. The first video focused on the story behind the Historic Riverlands Christian Center in Reserve to highlight the region’s spiritual past. Next, the visitor is taken into the smokehouses of Wayne Jacob’s and Spuddy’s to learn about the region’s German sausage with a French name, Andouille. The stories of the swamps were highlighted in two videos, one focusing on the wildlife and beauty of our wetlands while the other told the story of the often heard of but rarely sighted, Cajun Werewolf. Finally, the unique tradition of building bonfires on the levee was featured.

Chairperson Peggy Joseph said Tourist Commission members are pleased with the results.

“When we showed the video for the first time at the Commission meeting, no one took their eyes off the screen because the story was so intriguing and the video so well done,” Joseph said.

Historic Riverlands Christian Center owner Rita Perrilloux said her team was honored to be part of the first River Reel video, and they look forward to future installments of the series.

Upcoming parts of the River Reel Series cover the architecture of the region and Lac des Allemands.