Robottom: Lack of campaign activity makes things difficult for St. John residents

Published 6:37 am Monday, May 20, 2019

On Oct. 12, 2019, residents will elect or re-elect several candidates for district and parishwide offices.

However, it is difficult to tell because there is little to no consequential campaign activity to be seen. Few candidates have made official announcements, even for open seats, while others are still contemplating their run for office.

This is concerning because offices with term limits were known four years ago.

It is difficult to determine whether lack of interest in the upcoming election is a sign of apathy, frustration or an uninformed electorate. Regardless, the future of the parish is dependent on everyone’s involvement in the upcoming months.

Running for office or serving in an elected position is nothing to take lightly. It is life-changing. It not only affects the candidate; their families are also affected.

As I approach the end of my final term in office, I do so with a sense of joy and fear.

Joy, because with the support of many, a great deal has been accomplished. Fear, because the field of candidates is thin.

This is not a game and it is not all glitz and glamour.

People say “I make it look easy,” but being responsible for the welfare and safety of more than 43,000 residents and 2,400 businesses is not an easy task.

I am not alone in my fear, as many residents and business owners are worried about the future leadership of the Parish.

The apparent lack of forethought and planning to run for office is mind-boggling.

For those still contemplating whether or not to seek office, reticence in decision-making is problematic. With six months until the election, what are they waiting for?   

The parish employs more than 250 people and has an operational budget that exceeds $100 million, with millions more in projects. Experience managing people and money are important factors to consider when seeking office.

One of the most important projects in the parish’s history is underway and St. John Parish cannot afford a void in leadership during this critical time. I implore voters to get involved and set high standards for candidates seeking public office.

Education, knowledge, commitment and aptitude are important attributes for leading this parish; none of which can be acquired in six months. This is not a popularity contest.

A candidate’s history of service is important. How involved have they been in the successes of the parish?

Anyone can talk the talk, but St. John Parish needs leaders who can walk the walk.

Everyone is replaceable, but all replacements are not equal. Working together, we need the right candidates to continue to lead the parish forward.

As for me, I look forward to spending time with my family whose sacrifices allowed me to serve for almost 10 years, but I will never abandon the parish that I’ve worked so hard to improve.   

Natalie Robottom is St. John the Baptist Parish President. She can be reached at