Shumaker: There are no excuses for adults to miss out on higher education

Published 11:00 am Monday, May 6, 2019

Adult students are some of the most underserved in our community when it comes to higher education.

That fact is not due to a lack of services or the availability of educational choices. It is normally due to conversations that tend to sound like this:

“I can’t go to college.”


“I have two kids under the age of 6 and I have to work.”

“There are reduced cost child care programs. The community college system caters to working students; classes are scheduled days and evenings to support those students. You can even take some courses online.”

“I can’t afford tuition.”   

“Between Pell grants, and scholarships, community college has never been more affordable to the working adult.”

“I don’t have the time.”

“By taking only a few classes each semester there is still time for work, family responsibilities and even playtime.”

There are often many reasons that will come up in this type of conversation. People can make excuses or find ways to make things happen for themselves.

There are more resources available today for the adult student than ever before.

Underemployed or those not having enough paid work or not doing work that makes full use of their skills and abilities are often eligible for educational grants and scholarships.

The hardest part can be locating the resources. The best place to begin is at the local campus in the financial aid office.

Counselors will be able to direct you to all of the local and federal resources you need to begin this new journey.

Many of these programs can be applied for at the campus, where there are advisors who can answer questions and assist in the process.

There is no better time and no reason. Pursue a career that can make your dreams come true.

Nothing is out of reach. You can go to college and you can be successful.

If you know someone who is underemployed, have this conversation with him or her. You can make a difference in someone’s life by simply passing on this information and encouraging them to consider the possibilities.

Penelope Shumaker is Campus Director for the Reserve Campus of River Parishes Community College. Email or call 985-536-4418, ext. 203.