Michel: Christmas story best shared with large audience
Published 12:19 am Saturday, December 22, 2018
My granddaughter Olivia wants our family to participate in a living Nativity. Those desiring the part of Mary were disappointed. Olivia claimed that role for herself.
Now I won’t name names, but one of her aunts, the pregnant one, was given the part of a cow.
“Why?” her mom asked.
“It wouldn’t be nice for me to say it out loud,” Olivia said.
My son Geoffrey didn’t say much until he found out that Olivia intended for the performance to be in the yard.
“Mom… the neighbors…” he said.
“Would love it!” I said.
I’m pretty sure Olivia’s mom has convinced her of an indoor, private performance. I’ll just be happy for another opportunity to share the Christmas story.
It still amazes me that the King of Kings would choose to begin His earthly existence in a stable.
C. S. Lewis wrote, “The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God.”
Life must have looked pretty good to Mary before the angel’s visit. Her engagement to Joseph was likely the fulfillment of her dream.
Then the Holy Spirit surrounded her, the power of God overshadowed her and Jesus, the Word in flesh, was implanted in her. Her dream was about to take on incredible new dimensions.
The Word inside of her caused her to grow, but not just physically.
He changed her plans and challenged the thoughts of those around her.
A few months later, while most of the world was sleeping, she brought forth Life when Jesus, the Light of the word, was humbly born in a stable. The One Who had already changed her was about to shake the community and eventually the world.
Although the story of Jesus’ life on Earth begins with Christmas, it doesn’t end there. He didn’t remain in the manger. Jesus grew and led a sinless life as He taught, healed and loved.
He then became the ultimate sacrifice when He willingly died on the cross for our sins.
May the fullness of His life envelop ours.
May we be ever challenged to make room in our hearts for Him, allowing Him to change us, enlarge our visions and challenge our thoughts.
I think Olivia’s right. We should take the Christmas story outside, out of the confinement of our homes and into our world.
Ronny Michel may be reached at rmichel@rtconline.com.