Michel: Beauty can come through change; glory can mark an end

Published 12:19 am Saturday, October 20, 2018

The minute the temperature began to dip, I made chicken and andouille gumbo.

It’s one of the few dishes I enjoy eating the day after it’s cooked. Oh, I eat leftovers — I’m not about to cook if I don’t have to — but I think that gumbo tastes just as good the next day.

The only problem was the day I reheated the gumbo, the weather was hot again. I’m not complaining, I’m just a little confused and wonder how nature keeps up.

Around my house, acorns are quickly falling, and the squirrels are scampering to get them. Winter is on its way.

This season, people will travel hundreds of miles and spend thousands of dollars to watch leaves change colors. Only God could herald in a new season with such beautiful, vibrant shades of red, orange and yellow, making it difficult to believe the leaves are in the process of dying as they provide one last glorious show before they drop to the ground.

People have different seasons, too, sometimes with modifications in jobs, relationships, communities and even in ourselves.

I haven’t always welcomed those changes, nor have I consistently displayed grace through the process. As God brings new changes into my life, I don’t want to fight against them, but usher them in with the beauty and grace that He displays in the changing of the seasons.

When I think about the magnificent exhibition of nature that God uses to mark Fall, I wonder about what He can do with us, His children, who are filled with His life, gifts and love.

As we yield to His direction and adapt to the winds of change, I believe He will make something beautiful out of our lives. It’s never too late to serve God or ask for our gifts to be stirred and used for His glory. May our lives be lived to the fullest, grow more beautiful through the changes and end gloriously.

Ronny Michel may be reached at rmichel@rtconline.com.