Michel: Don’t miss on taking in true Fountain of Life

Published 12:07 am Saturday, January 13, 2018

I love when ordinary moments become extraordinary, eternal lessons.

One of my favorites was when I took my daughter Lauren to Esplanade Mall. She was 3 and I was…  much younger than I am today.

While other shoppers flew past the fountain in the center, or quickly tossed in a coin, Lauren was throwing pennies with all her might, trying to get her coins to go farther than anyone else’s.

The next thing I knew, she was in the water.

That little girl stared at me with those big brown eyes, waiting for my response. I laughed, (thinking of how much I would love to be in the water with her), so she laughed and became Lauren my only child to experience the fullness of that fountain.

In Jeremiah 2:13, God is referred to as the Fountain of Life.

I don’t want to be in the group of people who pass by that Fountain without ever taking notice.

Nor do I want to be in the group who are content to stand around God’s presence, tossing in token prayers that are mere wishes.

No, I want to be more like Lauren. I want to dive in. I want to fully abandon myself and experience all that God has for me.

I know that we are cleansed by the Living Water, and that’s enough to shout about forever.

In addition, I want to experience the depths of God, enjoy the freedom of swimming around in His love, and become saturated with His presence so that others will want to jump in and have their spiritual thirst satisfied.

Lord, may we all trust You enough to take that leap of faith.

Ronny Michel may be reached at rmichel@rtconline.com.