Keller: Child’s attitude, wonderment inspires

Published 12:01 am Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Jace is a young boy who lives near me. Many mornings, I see him waiting at the corner of the street for the school bus.

I always stop, roll down the window and tell him to have a good day. He always smiles and says, “You, too!”

Jace is a blonde, maybe 7 or 8 years old and has a great attitude. When I see him, I’m reminded that God’s Word says we have to become like little children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I reflect on how innocent I was at that age and pray that the ways of the world will not rob Jace of what God has planned for him.

Saturday, as I turned the corner near Jace’s house, he was sitting on an empty paint can.

He had three other paint cans in front of him and had a stick in each hand. He also had a cardboard sign that read, “The best drummer in the world. I will play for $ $ $.”

I stopped and asked him what that meant? He smiled and said, “I play for money.”

“I would like to hear you play.”

He beat those cans like a true drummer.

“You’re great,” I said, and gave him two dollars. His dad was in the garage and I got to meet him.

I pray that as Jace grows up, he will realize that God’s promise is to give him the desires of his heart, if he believes. We all need encouragement. Getting to know Jace has

been a blessing to me. I thank God for that privilege.

If you have any questions or comments, please write Harold Keller at Get High on Life, P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084, call 985-542-8477 or email