River Parishes author celebrates birthday, connects generations

Published 12:03 am Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Roland Anthony Gravois, a Vacherie native, recently celebrated his 90th birthday.

He grew up on a plantation in West Baton Rouge Parish, served in the U.S. Navy and is a graduate of LSU.

Gravois is the author of L’histoire et la Genealogie de la Famille, published in 2016, an update of his 1997 book, La Famille Gravois, les Trois Cents Annees Passees.

The books are the culmination of years of detailed research, including researching trips to France and Canada. It is the story of the last 350 years of the Gravois family, beginning with their original settlement in Nova Scotia, Canada, immigrating from their native France, their journey south and their eventual settlement in Louisiana and the family’s stories since then.

At left: Roland and Carmen are joined by their four children, Wayne Gravois, Roland Gravois, Julie Gravois and Jeanne Chiriboga.

According to Wayne Gravois, the book does not read like most genealogy books as it includes interesting historical facts in regard to each era in history and the families’ contributions during those periods.

Gravois also wrote de Generes and Allied Families published in 2012. This book details his wife, Carmen Marie’s ancestry, the story of the Generes/Degeneres family including their settlement in Louisiana and their associated stories.

Roland and Carmen still reside in the Greens in Pelican Point and in addition to his continued genealogy research for the Diocese, they enjoy spending time with their four children, four grandchildren and four great grandchildren.