Leonard: Be mindful eating through your holidays

Published 12:03 am Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The holidays are around the corner, and most of us are excited about spending time with family and friends.

We are all aware that food is the center of our celebration, and unfortunately this can lead to overeating, which leads to the dreaded holiday weight gain.

This tends to happen when we mindlessly eat food just because it is in sight, eat while we are distracted and eat to calm our emotions. When we mindfully eat we can make better choices to build a healthier plate and still enjoy our holiday favorites.

The real key is awareness, which simply means paying attention to what we eat, why we are eating and how much we are eating, which can make a huge difference.

These five tips can help build healthier plates and prevent the holiday weight gain.

PLAN: Prepare healthy snacks that are available throughout the day, such as putting out vegetable and fruit trays for lower calorie nibbling. Keep in mind that not all the holiday foods need to be high in calories and fat.

CONTROL PORTIONS: You don’t have to deprive yourself, but learning to build a healthier plate will allow you to enjoy your favorite holiday foods.

Steps to a healthier plate: Use a smaller plate; make half of your plate fruits and vegetables; include whole grains on your plate; include lean protein such as turkey breast and drink water or non-calorie beverages between each bite.

Do not over stuff your plate; make sure you can see each individual food item.

SIT DOWN TO EAT: Prepare a nice setting to eat the holiday meal. Being distracted with football games and family interactions make it easier to lose track of how much you have eaten. Chew your food slowly. Stop talking. Tune in to the texture of the pasta, the flavor of the cheese, the bright color of the sauce in the bowl, the aroma of the rising steam.

TRULY SAVOR FOOD: Look at your plate and think about the foods you have chosen. Chew your food slowly and tune into the beauty of your plate. Continue this throughout your meal and you will have experienced mindful eating.

• Sit down and really think to yourself:

• What is this food doing for my body?

• How hungry am I?

• Where did it come from?

• How does it smell?

• Put your fork down while chewing.

• Slow down and enjoy each bite!

GET ACTIVE: Take family walks around the neighborhood.

Enjoy some park time with the children.

Get fun yard games for the family to play together

Play fun video games that involve moving, such as sports or dancing games.

All of these tips will help give the body enough time to signal the brain that it is satisfied and not so full that you are uncomfortable and cannot move.

Planning your meals and snacks with these five key points and balancing food intake while staying active will get you on your way to a Happy and Healthy 2017!

Deana Leonard, MA, RD, LDN, is a registered dietitian with Thibodaux Regional Medical Center. She can be reached at 985-493-4765.