Sweet Emotion: St. John Sugar Queens shine
Published 12:08 am Wednesday, August 17, 2016
- Heather Roussel walks the stage at St. John Theatre Saturday as the 68th St. John Sugar Queen.
Heather Roussel always thought about wearing the crown when attending pageants.
The LaPlace 19-year-old said it’s natural, whether watching or participating in a pageant, to envision having the crown placed on top of your own head.
She experienced that special moment Saturday night when she was crowned at the 68th St. John Sugar Queen and Teen Pageant.
Roussel actually said her decision to participate this year was “last minute,” adding she never thought she would win Queen.
“Right before (I was crowned,) I was thinking this is going to be an amazing opportunity for me, but if not, God has big plans for me and I’ll be so happy for whoever does win,” she said. “Literally, this has been one of the most amazing experiences. Everyone has been so sweet, and everyone was deserving.”
Roussel is a nursing major at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. She plans to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in nursing before returning to school to complete a master’s program to become a nurse practitioner specializing in women’s health.
She has earned a TOPS Honors Scholarship Award, ULL academic scholarship and is a member of the Dean’s List. She graduated fifth in the 2015 graduating class from St. Charles Catholic High School.
Roussel will represent St. John the Baptist Parish at the State Sugar Festival in New Iberia.
“I’m most excited about going to State Sugar, but I’m also excited about representing my parish that I love so much,” Roussel said. “I’m so glad I get to do that for a full year, especially along with Teen Sugar Queen Ali Vicknair.”
Roussel said she hopes to encourage teenagers to be more involved in the community, creating a sense of pride in where they live and the people they are surrounded by.
Roussel is the daughter of Roger and Lori Roussel
Sharing the spotlight Saturday night at St. John Theatre in Reserve was Teen St. John Sugar Queen Ali Vicknair, daughter of Wayne and Jenni Vicknair.
“Right before I won I knew, regardless of the outcome, I would definitely have an empowering experience to take home with me,” Vicknair said. “I hadn’t actually thought about winning the crown before. A crown is just an attention grabber. It’s what you do with the crown.”
Vicknair, 17, said she is excited to help her community come together and change in a positive manner.
A Garyville resident and Riverside Academy student, she aspires to work in public relations and, eventually, open her own business.
She is the cofounder of V.E.T.S., which stands for Volunteers Embracing True Soldiers. Her group goes around the community and throws Veterans a monthly bingo party to let them know they are not forgotten.
She was awarded the American Legion Helper Award for Louisiana and the American Legion Good Deed Award for the nation.
She is the youngest member of the American Legion Auxiliary and was selected to attend Louisiana Girl’s State.
Vicknair hopes to promote V.E.T.S. and represent the parish and sugar industry with humbleness and pride.
— Staff writer Candace Hemelt contributed to this report.