Wright: Teamwork helping levee protection process

Published 12:01 am Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The exciting news last week of the signed Chief’s Report for the West Shore Lake Pontchartrain Levee Project was one more victory and one step closer to flood protection in the River Region.

Parish officials received notice that the Chief’s Report has been signed and returned from Washington DC.

What does that mean for us?

Nearly five decades ago a study began to provide for adequate flood protection in St. John Parish and surrounding areas.

Several years ago, Hurricane Isaac proved our vulnerability to Mother Nature in the heat of hurricane season and the strong need to expedite this nearly $1 billion project.

With the help of many leaders up and down the river and up to Washington DC, we are closer than ever. The Chief’s Report is a recommendation to Congress, and the next step in requesting project authorization and funding appropriations.

The recommended plan includes construction of a levee system around the communities of Montz, LaPlace, Reserve and Garyville based on the 1 percent probability storm level of risk reduction. The system would consist of approximately 18 miles of earthen levees and floodwalls, four floodgates, a drainage canal running parallel to the levee, a flood-side ditch to maintain hydraulic connectivity between wetlands north and south of the system, two drainage structures and four pump stations along the alignment.

The estimated cost of the project based on October 2014 price levels is $718,090,000. The federal share of the project is 65 percent, and the non-federal share is 35 percent.

The estimated annual cost for operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and rehabilitation is estimated to be $5,070,000 annually, which will be the responsibility of non-federal partners.

Receiving the signed Chief’s Report was a collaborative effort, and securing Congressional appropriations will be a continued priority moving forward.

A special thank you to the New Orleans United States Army Corp of Engineers, the Pontchartrain Levee District and all of our parish, state and federal officials for remaining dedicated to this project.

It is imperative that we work together as a community to see this project come to completion.

Our work is not yet done, and your support is needed as officials from across the River Parishes will be working diligently to secure funding for this project. It is imperative that we continue to promote the significance of the River Region on a national scale.

We are the home to the Port of South Louisiana, the largest tonnage port district in the western hemisphere, and house some of the nation’s largest refineries. We are the I-10 connector from New Orleans to Baton Rouge and the entrance to I-55.

Levee protection for the River Region cannot be an option but rather a priority in the sustainability of our local and national economy.

Michael P. Wright is St. John Council chairman and District 5 representative. Contact him at District5@sjbparish.com.