3rd I-10 access in play for St. John

Published 12:07 am Saturday, April 18, 2015

RESERVE — Talks are continuing for a third access point off Interstate 10 in St. John the Baptist Parish.

The latest proposal calls for a new connector and roadway extending northward from West 10th Street/Regala Park Drive at Airline Highway and continuing northward to I-10, where it would intersect that highway with a new interchange.

The entire project length is approximately 2.5 miles.

The Regional Planning Commission is inviting interested residents to learn about and discuss the proposal at a public hearing on the project’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement from 6 to 8 p.m. May 14 at Regala Park Gymnasium, 200 Regala Park Drive in Reserve.

The proposal advanced to this point after preparation from the Regional Planning Commission and approval of the Federal Highway Administration.

The hope for a third interchange off I-10 has long been a desire of Parish President Natalie Robottom, who declared as much at last year’s River Region Chamber of Commerce’s Parish Presidents Forum.

Robottom previously said a new I-10 access point would provide, among other benefits, an additional evacuation route to parish residents. She said the route is essential considering both parish Interstate ramps flooded during Hurricane Isaac and access to St. James and St. Charles Parishes was cut off because of flooding.

Robottom said the Port of South Louisiana, local industry and South Central Louisiana Technical College could also benefit from a more direct access to Reserve, and such a route would reduce the amount of truck traffic passing through residential areas and along Airline Highway.

The Federal Highway Administration, in cooperation with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and the Regional Planning Commission, examined access options from the Reserve area along U.S. 61 to I-10, and previously announced alternatives.

The alternative to be discussed next month would extend from Airline Highway at West 10th Street/Regala Park Road in a straight shot northwest to I-10. It could include an elevated roadway over a portion of the wetlands.

The proposal would impact roughly 49 acres of wetlands and could save parish drivers 27,825 minutes of gross travel time per day, officials said.

Construction timelines and funding sources have been announced.

Several agencies, including the DOTD and the Federal Highway Administration will ultimately choose whether to pursue the next phase of development.

Detailed information relative to the project is available at the St. John the Baptist Parish Central Library in LaPlace and the Reserve branch library.

The document can also be accessed at norpc.org.