Be safe, get checked for colorectal cancer

Published 11:45 pm Friday, March 6, 2015

Ask almost anyone about cancer, and they’ll probably list lung, breast and prostate as major killers. But the one they won’t list is colorectal cancer, even though it is the second-leading cause of cancer death in Louisiana and the United States.

That is why the Louisiana Comprehensive Cancer Control Program is encouraging all Louisiana residents 50 and over to talk to their doctors about getting screened during March, which is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.

This discussion is especially important for black men and Cajuns, as they suffer disproportionately from the disease. Black men face a number of barriers when it comes to colorectal cancer screening, including a lack of access to screening and/or a doctor recommendation, as well as avoidance of the issue.

A recent Tulane/LSU study showing Cajuns have a higher incidence of the disease points to genetic factors as the culprit there.

Either way, everyone 50 and over needs to get a colorectal cancer screening on a regular basis. Colorectal cancer is a preventable disease and people are often dying from it because of misconceptions and myths. 

Risk Factors

For example, according to research from the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable, most people know they should be screened but do not recognize the importance of screening and rationalize away the need for it.

In addition, people believe because they have no symptoms, have no family history of the disease or because they don’t know anyone personally with cancer, they can’t get it.

There are also people who believe they are healthier than they really are, even though they don’t practice good health habits in general or discuss things with their doctor — or even go to the doctor.

Control Program Manager Colleen Huard notes women often mistakenly believe they can’t get colon cancer, which is not true, as women get it at the same rates as men.

Perhaps most insidious of all the beliefs the Cancer Roundtable turned up is the negative connotation some people associate with colorectal cancer screening, believing it to be an embarrassing, unpleasant or invasive process.

That phenomena is often referred to by health experts as “letting yourself die from embarrassment” and stress while no one may love getting a colonoscopy or doing an at-home stool test, these are standard tests with minimal risk that can prevent much more serious and invasive consequences down the road.

Two other disturbing factors also keep people from getting screened. One is a lack of affordability, which is the No. 1 reason people don’t get screened. Fortunately, under the Affordable Care Act, preventive screenings such as colonoscopies are now covered, so more people than ever before can get screened.

And a top reason black and Hispanics, two groups who are less likely to get screened, don’t do so is because their doctors aren’t recommending it.

That is a behavior doctors need to change, while patients also need to ask about screenings.

Risk factors for colorectal cancer beyond age, racial/ethnic background and misconceptions, include a history of other diseases, such as Type 2 diabetes; a personal or family history of polyps and/or colorectal cancer; inflammatory bowel disease; and inherited syndromes (FAP, HNPCC, Turcot Sydrome, Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome, MUTYH-Associated Polyposis).

Controllable or lifestyle risk factors that can lead to colorectal cancer include a diet high in red and processed meats, such as beef, pork, lamb, liver, hot dogs and certain kinds of luncheon meats; physical inactivity; being obese; smoking; and heavy use of alcohol (more than two drinks a day for men; one for women.)

Cancer in Louisiana

Every single region of Louisiana has a higher colorectal cancer death rate higher the Unites States as a whole.

Colorectal cancer is such an issue in Louisiana that health experts around the state have come together to form a Louisiana Colorectal Cancer Roundtable. The roundtable is modeled after the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable and its goal is “80 percent by 2018,” or getting a large majority of everyone 50 and over screened by that date.

One message the Louisiana Colorectal Cancer Roundtable will relay is “the best test is the one you’re going to get,” a reference to the fact there are colorectal cancer screening tests other than colonoscopies that can take place in the hospital, as well as at home.

Because of the options, people should discuss their screenings with doctors to be better informed as to what is best for them, what will be covered by insurance, etc.

To learn more about colorectal cancer, including its risks, symptoms, screening recommendations and more, go to