Young authors turn page

Published 11:45 pm Friday, February 6, 2015

Special to

PARADIS — Nine J.B. Martin Middle School students received awards at the District Level Young Authors contest in St. Charles Parish.

The students had original pieces that were critiqued by qualified adjudicators from throughout the district.

Sixth grade students placing were Martalisa Fischer, first place in fictional writing; Isabella Treuting, third place in fictional writing; Taylor Champagne, first place in nonfiction writing; Luke Moore, second place in poetry; and Andrew Naquin, third place in poetry.

Seventh grade award recipients were Andrea Yangco, second for fictional story and first for nonfiction story; Adelaide Speyrer for nonfiction and William Cooper, first place for nonfiction.

Eighth grade student Dena Vial received second place accolades for a fictional piece.

The students will have a celebration with all district winners at an Awards Ceremony April 18.

St. Charles Parish Reading Council members, who help host the event, said the ceremony will include a “Celebration of Literacy,” where all winner’s will be invited to attend a special activity with Mike Artell, author and illustrator.