Letter: Local citizens’ needs being put last
Published 11:45 pm Tuesday, February 3, 2015
I have been emotionally forced to promote dialog, transparency and honesty out of fellow professionals in St. John Parish.
I am out right embarrassed by the professionals in this area who claim they are for empowering our youth and building better relationships with the community while ignoring the bear fundamental needs and rights of human beings!
We can’t tell these children “do as I say, not as I do.” Our generation didn’t stand for it, and this generation of entitled youth definitely won’t fall for it.
These youths see and hear everything we do. I believe half the blame of entitlement comes from them watching us carelessly and disrespectfully handle one another as adults and professionals.
How do you profess to want to help make a system better and not listen to the system to hear their suggestions, or every time they stand to give suggestions, you tell them that’s not what you were looking for?
You’ve held public and community meetings, where you put a person in the head of it who doesn’t even live in the parish, but you claim to be so dedicated to keeping parish dollars in the parish.
I’m an adult and I’m confused. There is nothing wrong with employing people you know as long as they are qualified for the position. The problem comes when you try to please the adults/professionals you hired and put the children’s or citizens’ needs last.
Sincerely, Tanya Dykes
HMH Inc., LaPlace