Michel: Gifts of love, wisdom are in eye of the beholder
Published 11:45 pm Friday, November 28, 2014
“Have you updated your Amazon wish list lately?”
It was a simple, straightforward question, but my son Geoffrey knew my motive.
“Ashley and I have been talking,” Geoffrey said, including his wife in his answer, “and we don’t need anything for Christmas. We have a lot of books and enough clothes. There’s really nothing we need.”
“Isn’t there anything you want?” I asked.
“No. Really, we’re fine.”
“Perfect,” I said, “Then I will give the gift of my time. I will spend more time with y’all, talking, advising, counseling, reminiscing…”
“I’ll have that list soon,” Geoffrey said. “And our coffee maker broke.”
Later that night I received an email with a few more gift suggestions.
As I relayed this story to family members gathered to celebrate my mom’s birthday, my dad suggested I write about it.
“I might,” I agreed. “I’m just not sure where to go from there. I could use James 5:1, ‘ye have not because ye ask not.’ Or maybe Philippians 4:6, ‘by prayer and petitions, with thanksgiving present your requests to God.’”
I also thought of King Solomon’s response when God asked him what he wanted.
All King Solomon asked for was wisdom and knowledge. Of course, Geoffrey had already turned down my offer of advice, counsel (my wisdom…haha) so that story wouldn’t be appropriate.
My dad thought for a moment and said, “Some people spell love, t-i-m-e.”
“Yeah,” I said. “And Geoffrey spells time, s-t-o-p.”
Ronny Michel may be reached at rmichel@rtconline.com.