ESJ cheerleaders finish 1st in division at camp

Published 1:15 am Wednesday, July 23, 2014

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BATON ROUGE — The East St. John varsity cheerleaders placed first during a recent camp on the LSU campus.

The cheerleaders attended Southwestern Cheerleading Camp at Louisiana State University July 8-10, where they learned new material to bring back to school.

Under the direction of Teckla Holder, coach for the past 18 years, the girls placed first in their division and received three Safety First Ribbons and the Spirit Stick for all three nights.

The following cheerleaders were nominated for the All American Team: Lyric Jenkins, Amanda Lee, Amy Slayton-Captain, Jhai Smith (co-captain), Tomisha Joseph (co-captain), Chelsea Virgil, Robionne Reed, Kiandranae Major and Shelby Roussel.

The five local All American Winners were Amy Slayton, Amanda Lee, Jhai Smith, Kiandranae Major and Shelby Roussel.

There was also a jump off competition in which Slayton and Joseph were named jump off finalists.