Jr. Choupique Rodeo brings closure to summer vacation

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Summer is coming to a close, but don’t put up those fishing poles. The St. James Boat Club will be holding its annual Jr. Choupique Rodeo on Aug. 4 on the Blind River Point Area and Boat Launch Areas. The boat club is located on the U.S. Highway 61 at the scenic Blind River, which is located in St. James Parish, just outside of the Town of Gramercy.
All participants, 0–15 years old, male or female, are eligible to compete in this fishing rodeo but must be accompanied by an adult or guardian. The fishing times start at 9 a.m. and end at noon.
The registration fee is still only 25 cents. Be sure to get registered before fishing and to get a copy of the rules. Fishing is limited to the banks of the Blind River Point Area and Boat Launch Areas. At the close of rodeo, awards will be given to the winners. Ribbons will be given to all participants.
Random drawings will be held in each age group for rod and reels at the awards time (winners must be present). Refreshments will be sold at the Point Area. Give your kids a remembrance of a lifetime, take them fishing.
For more information, contact the St. James Boat Club (in the morning) at 225-869-8966 or Craig Calcagno at 225-206-2476 (cell) or 225-869-9152 (home).
Jr. Choupique Rodeo Rules
• Each child must be accompanied by an adult or guardian and follow these rules.
• All fishing is to start at 9 a.m., not before, and end at noon.
• All children must be registered before participating in rodeo.
• Fishing is from the bank only, in the designated areas, and no boats are allowed.
• Registered children must weigh in their fish themselves, wearing their I.D. tag, at the weigh in station.
• The contest is open to fish only.
• Each child must furnish his/her own tackle and bait (live or artificial) and pole.
• Everyone practices “Catch and Release” after weigh in. (Weigh Master releases the fish)
• Only fish caught by the children may be weighed in.
• Adults may assist the children fishing only in the 0–5 year old age group.
• Adults may also assist children only when having fishing difficulties (hang ups, replace hooks or baits, casting, etc.)
• Awards will be given for the largest fish and most fish caught, in three age groups: 0-5 years old, 6-10 years old, and 11-15 years old.
• Ribbons will be given to all children registered.
• Door prizes will be drawn for in each age group, and winner must be present.
• Failure to comply with these rules may result in disqualification of participant.