Poll shows many say debris removal was biggest hurdle after hurricane
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 10, 2012
LAPLACE – Today marks six weeks since Hurricane Isaac plowed through the region wreaking havoc on homes and businesses in the River Parishes. Although it seems like it has been a long 40 days, many in the region have been able to get their lives back in order relatively quickly.
There are still some, however, who have been bogged down by hurdles in the process. The chief among those hurdles, according to residents, is the removal of debris from roadsides.
More than 40 percent of those who responded to L’Observateur’s website poll said debris removal. This might not be as big of a problem now as more than 90 percent of the debris has been picked up, according to the parish.
Others who voted said they are either still waiting for insurance checks, or having issues working with FEMA. Both of those options combined for 46 percent of the vote. Another small percentage said they still need assistance gutting their homes.
A complete breakdown of results is as follows:
• 42 percent of respondents chose “Debris removal.”
• 23 percent of respondents chose “Waiting for insurance adjustor/ check.”
• 23 percent of respondents chose “Confusion regarding FEMA.”
• 12 percent of respondents chose “Assistance needed in gutting home.”