“American Idol” is gearing up for the start of another season. What do you think of the long-running reality show?
Published 10:30 am Tuesday, December 13, 2011
c4d82f68-63c0-11e1-85d8-001cc4c0325c | I love “American Idol” and can’t wait for the new season. | 9 |
c4d83012-63c0-11e1-85d9-001cc4c0325c | I’ll watch the show if nothing better is on. | 9 |
c4d83094-63c0-11e1-85da-001cc4c0325c | I’ll only watch the show if someone local is on. | 4 |
c4d8310c-63c0-11e1-85db-001cc4c0325c | I used to like the show, but I think it is about time for it to end. | 11 |
c4d8318e-63c0-11e1-85dc-001cc4c0325c | I do not like “American Idol.” | 22 |