Robottom trying to keep citizens involved
Published 12:00 am Saturday, October 9, 2010
As part of her campaign for St. John the Baptist Parish president earlier this year, Natalie Robottom stressed the need and importance of a plan to guide the parish into the next five to 10 years.
Upon taking office in May, Robottom gathered a contingent of 70 volunteers, including employees, business leaders and other residents, to examine operations of the parish and break down where strengths and deficiencies lie. This Presidential Advisory Committee has now made a series of recommendations, which were previewed in a meeting Wednesday night. A full report will also be available for public review on the parish’s website Monday.
Since day one on the job, Robottom has made it a point to actively involve all parish residents in the processes of the advisory committee. She stressed Wednesday that there must be a cooperative effort between the parish administration and the residents it governs. Her intention was to create a plan that “everyone can buy into.”
“Our goal is to hold more town hall style meetings across the parish to gather further input,” Robottom said. “This is a community partnership between the administration and the residents of St. John.”
This honesty and openness should encourage all residents to get further involved in shaping the community in the future. Visit the parish website, examine this report and consider what it means for the future of the parish and the future of your neighborhood.
Go to meetings, let your voice be heard.