Reader sees detriment in oil and gas tax hikes

Published 12:00 am Friday, September 10, 2010

Dear Editor:

While Congress is considering tax hikes on the oil and gas industry which affects 330,053 jobs related to the industry in the state of Louisiana, some forget its more than just our jobs and economy that tax hikes will affect.

The cost of gas and oil will rise, shipping cost will go up for transport and the cost of groceries will jump to cover the added cost of supplying goods across the board.

Electric bills, which are currently almost double the actual use charge with all the fuel adjustments and all other charges, will rise even higher.

All this just so Congress can pay for “new” government spending. What part of stop spending what the people do not have does Congress not seem to get?

When you bankrupt the people, you bankrupt the United States as a whole, as well.

Robbing Peter to pay Paul has never worked. Making the people poorer, taking away their jobs and making families homeless, how does that affect their health?

How well educated you are, how much experience you have, how good the quality of your work means zip if there are no jobs to get in your chosen field of expertise.

Tax hikes on the oil and gas industry will affect all citizens of all states in a trickle down effect.

Lillian Ridlen
