Abortion still a key issue in coming presidential vote

Published 12:00 am Friday, September 12, 2008

By Harold Keller

A few months ago, I said that if the Republicans were to retain the White House, the abortion issue would have to be one of the top issues. I realize that members of both parties would like to see the issue go away, but it seems that God won’t let it.  The Democratic platform is pro-choice compared to the Republican pro-life agenda. 

I’m a registered Republican because of its pro-life stand, but vote independent of party label.  Many of my political friends accuse me of being a single issue (pro-life) voter.  That’s not completely accurate because I am interested in the same issues that affect all Americans, but am proud to admit that I’m pro-life without reservations. 

I have a passion for politics and followed the Democratic and Republican conventions.  My wife says I’m addicted to the national political news. 

I think Sen. John McCain was struggling with his campaign until the interview of both he and Sen. Barack Obama at Rick Warren’s Church in California.  The abortion issue was raised and this question was asked: At what point does a baby get human rights?  McCain said, convincingly, “At conception.”  Obama replied that the question was “above my pay grade.” 

Tony Perkins, who heads the Family Research Council, said, “That may go down in history as the most inappropriate statement ever made by a presidential candidate other than, ‘I didn’t inhale,’” which was made by former Pres. Clinton.

Two weeks ago, John McCain announced his vice-presidential running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin. – a solid voice for the unborn, a mother of five, with her youngest, a baby with Down syndrome.  She came on the national political stage with a bang – a breath of fresh air to a boring campaign. 

Some Democrats have attacked her pro-life stand and one party leader in South Carolina said that Gov. Palin’s only qualification is that she never had an abortion.  (What a testimony to her family values!)

I, like McCain, believe that life begins at conception.  America is said to be a Christian nation.  I find it hard to understand how one who professes to be a Christian can vote for someone who is in favor of terminating an innocent life.