SACS-CASI awards accredation to Ascension of Our Lord

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) through its Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (CASI) and the Commission on International and Trans-Regional Accreditation (CITI) have awarded accreditation to Ascension of Our Lord School. The announcement was made during the Council’s Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida in December. School Principal, Mrs. Amy DiMaggio was on hand to accept the award.

The purpose of accreditation is continuous school improvement focused on increasing student performance and is based upon the school’s assessing itself against quality standards of accreditation, identifying areas needing improvement, creating and implementing an action plan and monitoring improvement results. The evaluation process includes a review by an outside team of trained professional peers representing SACS.

To maintain accreditation, each accredited school must conduct a continuing program of educational improvement including meeting standards of accreditation, improving student performance, submitting annual reports that certify implementation of the school’s improvement plan, and being re-evaluated by external teams of professional educators at five-year intervals.

Through regional and national accreditation, faculty, students, and parents benefit by knowing that reaching conditions in accredited schools meet necessary requirements and that efforts are continuously made for school improvement that focuses on achieving student success.