‘Food for Families’ seeking community support to help needy this holiday season

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 4, 2007

LAPLACE – Businesses looking for a good way to involve their employees in a holiday project to help others need look no further than L’Observateur’s “Food for Families” program.

The fourth annual L’Observateur “Food for Families” food drive is now underway, and those here heading up the drive hope that many business owners will see it as a good way to have a holiday project where their employees can work together, all with the common good of helping those less fortunate this Christmas season.

Our “Food for Families” program is a simple one. We ask you to help donate non-perishable food items, or send in monetary donations that we will use to purchase food, and we will in turn use 100 percent of those donations to give food to needy families.

The employees at L’Observateur do all the work for the program, including boxing and delivering the food personally to those in need.

From now until Tuesday, December 18, the L’Observateur staff will be looking for donations of rice, pasta, dry cereal, canned good, and any other non-perishable food items. We will also accept monetary donations, which will be used to purchase foods.

Individuals or businesses that would like to participate may mail monetary donations to “Food for Families,” c/o L’Observateur, P.O. Box 1010, LaPlace, La., 70069. Food donations can be dropped off at our newspaper office, located at 116 Newspaper Dr., just off Hwy. 44 (old Main Street).

Anyone who would like to nominate a family or individual for a food box can fill out the form at the end of this story and send it to the address listed above.