Crime Prevention

Published 12:00 am Monday, October 25, 2004

Law Enforcement News

Getting tough on underage drinking

In and effort to make its local streets and highways safer, Sheriff Greg C. Champagne is looking to the public to help reduce an alarming trend: young people getting into vehicles while under the influence of alcohol.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 17,000 people were killed in alcohol-related traffic accidents in the United States last year, a rate of one person every 30 minutes. Even more alarmingly, almost one third of the 15 to 20-year-old drivers killed in motor vehicle crashes in the U.S. Had been drinking.

“Tragically, many individuals under the age of 21 fall to recognize the lethal combination of alcohol and driving,” says Sheriff Champagne. “Excessive drinking leads to reckless and, in many cases lawless behavior.”

Because of their relative lack of driving experience, adolescents are at greater risk for traffic accidents. Also, younger drivers are more susceptible than older drivers to alcohol induced impairment. Studies from the national Center for injury Prevention and Control show that almost as many young men age 18-20, as confined to one particular age group or gender. Statistics show that approximately 70% of all teenagers drink alcohol, including one out of ten children between the ages of 12 and 13. Furthermore, a recent study by researchers at Georgetown University’s Center for Alcohol Marketing and Youth found that, in certain age categories, teenage girls are drinking more than teen boys because of an increasing number of ads for products such as wine coolers and alcoholic iced teas that are geared primarily toward young women.

Although tougher drunk driving penalties, seat belt laws and increased sobriety checkpoints have had a significant impact in reducing drunk driving fatalities, the battle cannot be won by law enforcement authorities alone. Family and friends often are in the best position to identify and prevent behaviors in adolescents that lead to underage drinking.

According to Sheriff Champagne, “While they ‘Say No To Drugs’ message has been heeded by a large number of parents and their children, what seems to be lost is the fact that underage drinking kills almost seven times more young people than all other illicit drugs combined. We’re always trying to get through to teens, but much of the groundwork needs to start at home and continue with peer groups. The risks for being complacent are simply too high.”

Organizations such as MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) are devoted to raising public awareness on the dangers of underage alcohol use. The organization has several prevention programs and initiatives developed in Louisiana in conjunction with local schools and community leaders to educate adolescents. The St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s Office also has information on these, and many other, public safety topics.

Fortunately, there are signs that young adults themselves recognize the high cost in both dollars and human lives for accidents that, in most instances, could have been avoided. Various surveys among the serve alcohol and hopes to see drunk-driving rules more strongly enforced.

“We hope that at some point, common sense will prevail and that these kids will learn from the mistakes of others before they learn form their own,” adds Sheriff Champagne. “It’s understandable that young people like to have fun. But at some point this fun can figuratively and literally cross the line, leading to deadly consequences.”

Safeguards against underage drunk driving:

Parents and other siblings must be aware that they are role models to younger family members, and should be cognizant of what kind of examples they set in regard to both their drinking and driving habits.

Restricting access to liquor and automobiles at home may be an effective preventive measure in the short term, but it is even more advisable to confront your son(s) and/or daughter(s) about the serious risks involved with underage drinking.

Whether driving or riding as a passenger in a vehicle, always wear a seatbelt! If you see vehicles that are speeding excessively or swerving, try to get a license plate number and call the local Sheriff’s Office, local police or state police.

Never get into a car with someone who has had too much to drink. If the person insists on getting behind the wheel, insist that he or she gives up the car keys to a designated driver, or call a trusted adult for a ride.

If you are going to an event where alcohol will be served, take a taxi or bus, if possible. If you work in a store or a dining establishment, always check I.D.’s of customers who wish to purchase alcoholic beverages, even if you think they look well above the legal drinking age. Also contact authorities about any adults who may be purchasing or supplying alcoholic beverages for those under the age of 21.

Regardless of your age, if you believe you may have a drinking problem, consult a school counselor, health professional, or alcoholic support group (for example, Alcoholics Anonymous).

Sheriff Champagne concluded, “Parents who have ongoing, open dialogue with their children will have the advantage over parents who don’t. Our challenge as parents and community leaders, is to be alert to the signs and symptoms of alcoholic use and the problems that are associated with them.”