River Parishes Briefs
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Press Release
LaPlace firemen plan golf tourney
The LaPlace Volunteer Fire Department will be hosting their first golf tournament on May 3, 2004. All proceeds will be used to support the LaPlace Volunteer Fire Dept. Membership Fund. This fund is used to honor the volunteers for their support.
The organization is seeking donations to be used as door prizes; assistance in the preparation of food and drinks for the day; as well as participants in the tournament itself. Sponsors are also encouraged to participate with monetary donations.
The fire department plans to sponsor this outing again next year, as they want it to become a well-known annual event in LaPlace.
For more information, call Asst. Chief Bobby Hamilton at 985-212-9841, or Lt. Paul Anders at 504-251-1011.
Monument in the making for vets
A committee to construct a Veterans Monument in Des Allemands is seeking donations from area businesses to help defray costs.
The monument will include all wars, remembering deceased Veterans. An unveiling of the monument is planned for Memorial Day 2004.
Contributions can be mailed to Des Allemands Veterans Monument, c/o Eric Folse, 246 Up the Bayou Road, Des Allemands, LA 70030.
Summer camp set
New Wine Christian Fellowship, 1929 W. Airline Highway, will host its summer camp for children ages 4-12. Activities begin June 7 and will continue through July 30.
Camp time is 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Before Care begins at 6 a.m., and After Care from 3:30 p.m. Registration will be held on May 10-11 from 6-8 p.m. at the church.
A non-refundable registration fee of $20 is due at the time of sign-up. Many activities are planned, and include field trips, swimming and arts and crafts.
St. John, St. James and St. Charles Parishes, along with the Port of South Louisiana, will host a Small Business Seminar from 6-9 p.m., on March 18, 2004. It will take place at the Holiday Inn in LaPlace, 3900 Main St.
Four speakers are scheduled, they will discuss business evaluations, marketing a business, business websites, and financial factoring.
To register of for more information, call 652-9569, ext. 290.
program set
Residents of St. Charles, St. John and St. James Parishes will have an opportunity to enhance their gardening knowledge this summer though participation in the 2004 Louisiana Master Gardener (LMG) Program.
This is a service and educational activity designed to recruit and train volunteers to help meet the needs of home gardeners, while providing a worthwhile and enjoyable experience for volunteers.
Classes are scheduled from May 13 through July 22. Instruction will involved more than 24 topics in areas of horticulture.
To receive an LMG application for this program, contact the St. Charles Parish County Agent Office at 985-783-6231.