Keller assists in many ways at hospital

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 3, 2004

By SUE ELLEN ROSS – Staff Reporter

LAPLACE – When you visit the Emergency Department at River Parishes Hospital, you will find professional, caring employees. You will also find volunteer Jay Keller, lending a helping hand wherever is needed.

For the past 4 years, the Reserve resident has assisted the nurses station, and also talks with families in the emergency waiting room.

In addition to taking samples to the lab, Keller periodically checks on visitors.

Since people are not used to seeing someone other than an employee in this waiting area, they may wonder why Keller is there.

“I offer a beverage and let them know I’m here to talk, if they want that,” he said.

The Reserve resident is volunteering his services while seeking employments as a teacher. He is a former East St. John High School teacher and coach.

He comes in contact with many of his former students when they are at the hospital. “They are surprised to see me, ” he said. “They remember me as a teacher and coach.”

Keller moved out of the area after leaving the school system, pursuing other interests and obtaining a counseling degree before he returned.

“A volunteer has to ‘fit in,’ no matter what department they’re in,” he said. “You have to find a niche.”

Keller’s trips to the lab, and other duties he performs for the nurses, mean they don’t need to leave their stations as often. This is a good thing, according to Keller, and he’s happy to oblige.

Skills learned from previous employment has taught the volunteer that you need to see the whole picture in any given situation. “You need to be aware of what’s going on around you.”

Keller is very pleased with the hospital’s volunteer department and their attitude toward those that give of their time for no monetary payment.

“They treat us very well,” he said “We have dinners and a recognition ceremony each year.”

For information on volunteering at the River Parishes Hospital, call Claudette Henry at 651-1482.