EDITORIAL: Support our troops
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 25, 2003
As bombs and missiles fall upon Baghdad, this is not the proper time for criticism which may have the effect of hurting the morale of American military personnel in the Middle East. Embarking upon a war is hard enough, along with the separation from friends and family, without the added stress of feeling unappreciated by those people we have sworn to protect – the American people.
We at L’Observateur cannot stress enough the value of support for our military, our sons and daughters, serving not only in Iraq but also in military posts around the world.
More than anything, we urge those who are in contact with their loved ones in the military to write frequently, send packages and express your concern in letters.
The feeling of separation, of loneliness, can sometimes overwhelm a young person serving our country. A friendly, newsy letter from home, along with photos, can immeasurably ease their burden.
To assist in the goal of generating floods of mail for our local military personnel, we ask you to please contact L’Observateur, so we may share their stories and addresses in our pages.