Junior fishing rodeo returns
Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 1, 2002
The Junior Choupique Rodeo, sponsored by the St. James Boat Club, Inc. is set for June 2, 2002. For years, the St. James Boat Club has scheduled this event in conjunction with the National Fishing and Boating Week, which this year is, June 1-9. Louisiana has designated June 8 and 9 as “Free Fishing Days.”
During this weekend, residents and nonresidents can fish without purchasing a recreational fishing license. Children have enjoyed the celebration with the Junior Choupique Rodeo for the past several years on the “Point” (Boat Club Pavilion Area) located at the corner of Blind River and the Airline Canal.
The Junior Choupique Rodeo will begin at 9 a.m. and end at 2 p.m. with awards following. The fishing rodeo is open to all children 1-15 years of age, accompanied by an adult, and must pay a 25 cents registration fee at the pavilion.
All fishing will begin at 9 a.m. and participants must be registered before starting to fish. Fish may be caught with any type of fishing pole or bait fishing off the bank only. This is a children’s fishing rodeo and limited adult assistance is allowed. For the safety of the children, fishing will not be allowed near the bridge area.
Awards will be given to the largest fish and total catch in two age groups: 1-5 years old, 6-10 years old, and 11-15 years old. Everyone registered will receive a participant award. All registered children in the rodeo will be eligible for a drawing of a Zebco Rod and Reel in each age group. Refreshments will be sold during the rodeo.