Get High On Life: Hope alive for addict

Published 12:00 am Thursday, February 28, 2002


I received the following letter last week from an inmate in a Lake Charles prison. I pray that it will convince some people who are experimenting with drugs to stop, or be prepared to suffer the consequences.

“Dear Mr. Keller,

I’m writing to you in regards to your article on how you remained sober for 28 years. You mentioned that God was not a respecter of persons. That, along with you being sober for 28 years, was especially uplifting. I’m also certain that God can deliver me from crack cocaine as He delivered you from alcohol.

I’m now in the parish jail for violating my probation. All or most of my crimes or troubles were results of drug use. I tried rehabilitation and a 12-step program. I even tried to give my life over to God several times, with the hope and belief that my life was being freed from the bondage of drugs, only to find myself in a worse position than I started.

I was reared in church. My father was a Methodist minister, and my mother was a Methodist missionary. My entire family was reared up in church. So, I somehow had the belief that I was immune to drug use and the horrors and ills that came with it.

I would often blame God or Satan. Although, Satan is the author of all lies and will do anything to kill, steal and destroy you. I never thought about my choices in the situation.

I would casually smoke my cigarettes, drink my liquor and do my drugs, knowing that at any time when it started to cause chaos and confusion in my life, I would stop. Had I known my life would have been in so much pain and turmoil and dwindle from that compassionate, innocent and kind-hearted person that I knew I was, and was often thought to be by so many people, I would have promptly chosen “no” to all three of these habits.

Unfortunately for me, as well as many others, we tend to distinguish the difference between being addicted and making a choice to use an addictive substance a little too late.

However, there is still hope. I strongly believe that God is blessing people like you and giving them 28 years of sobriety, one day at a time, so that people like me can choose a life filled with hope, excitement for the future and a strong desire to help others.

Thanks for sharing what God did for you. I now have hope that He will do the same for me, if I yield to His will for my life.

“Name Withheld”

HAROLD KELLER writes this column as part of his affiliation with the Get High on Life religious motivational group. Call him at (985) 652-8477 or write to P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084