Bush/China – a devil’s deal

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 11, 2001

DEAR EDITOR: This past week, America has been tasting the fruits of her 30-year partnership with Communist-occupied China, popularly known as the People’s Republic of China. Besides having a $30 b illion trade deficit with them and seeing their conventional, as well as their nuclear capabilities growing more advanced (thanks mainly to U.S. technology), we are now treated to the spectacle of 24 of our sailors being held hostage on Hainan Island. Really, we should not be surprised that our appeasement approach has met, not with friendship, but with growing Red Chinese aggression. Remember, the more Europe gave in to Hitler, the more outrageous his regime acted, which led to World War II. Criminal regimes make deals to help themselves, to increase their power, not because they like us. Many people have tried to place all the blame for this mess on Bill Clinton, but is this fair? Yes, it’s true that the Clintonistas bent over backwards to cozy up with Red China, as well as Vietnam, Cuba and the quasi-Communist Russian Federation. However, a study of history shows us that it was Richard Nixon (a Republican) who began the detente with the butcher Mao Tse-Tung in 1971-72. Every administration since, whether Democrat or Republican, has followed the pro-Red Chinese program. Our leaders have helped construct this murderous red dragon. We may soon pay a bitter price for this devilish deal. Another often-ignored part of the story is that actually there are two governments in China today. There is the Communist government headquartered in Beijing, which the U.S. supports, and there is the Republic of China government on Taiwan, Matsu, Quemoy, and other islands. The Republic of China was established in 1912 and after being weakened during World War II, then basically abandoned by the U.S. after the war, was chased out of the mainland by Soviet-supported Mao and his Red Army. While the Maoists were causing the mass murder of over 20 million people, the R.O.C. was establishing what is today one of the most free, wealthiest nations in the world. In Red China, we see forced abortions, concentration camps, secret police, student massacres and slave labor, while in the R.O.C. we see free elections, free people and the highest rate of homeownership anywhere. Which government would you expect the good ol’ U.S.A. to support? In 1971, while George Bush was U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, the Republic of China was expelled from the organization and the Communists were seated in their place. In 1978, Jimmy Carter broke relations with the Republic of China and recognized the Red terror regime as the legitimate Chinese government. Reagan, Bush and Clinton were equally delighted to treat with their Chi-Com buddies. Well, let’s see the approach Bush II takes with Red China. Will it be “the U.S. hangs tough,” or “let’s make a deal”? My money is on the second choice. I hope I’m wrong.

Ronald J. Theriot Jr. LaPlace