Straight Talk

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, February 28, 2001


Popular choice not always right choice

It seems like, in America, if there is not a huge controversy brewing that the media as a whole will invent one. This past week the controversy has been the performance of Eminem at the Grammy Awards. Eminem, a performer known for his outrageous and often violent Iyrics toward the homosexual community, performed a duet with openly homosexual Elton John. Big deal, life goes on. It is beyond me why John would ever willingly breathe the same air as Eminem, but we all have to make decisions. So virtually the whole music world halted to listen. What they heard was not just mediocre music and indifferent lyrics. If they would have listened a little harder, they would have heard the audible message that America as a whole is sending to Eminem and such musicians: “We love every appearance of evil. We love to listen to songs of murder, violence, and suicide. We love it so much that we will fuel your record sales and make you an elusive hero.” The entertainment industry is only a reflection of our culture as a whole. If people weren’t listening, Eminem would be silenced. But the truth is that Eminem records are being sold even as you read this. This says something extraordinary about our culture. This shows me that Americans are so apathetic that they are looking for someone outspoken to follow. People with no true identity of themselves will look to whoever is in the spotlight to follow. I don’t like Eminem, and more importantly, I refuse to let his message become mine. I challenge you to make the same decision. If you have any comments, write to me at P.O. Drawer 1493, LaPlace, LA 70069. MONIQUE MICHEL is a local teen-ager writes this column regularly for L’Observateur.